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A member registered Jun 11, 2019

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I am incredibly interested in seeing how this develops. I find the world fascinating, and I cannot wait to see more!

1. Did you enjoy it overall?

I have recently gotten super into visual novels. I have played maybe two dozen in the last couple of months after a streamer introduced me to the genre. This is, by far, the best one I have seen or played. The characters, the story, the art, all were just exactly what they needed to be to convey a very emotional experience.

This is the first one I did not immediately replay, as well, because I enjoyed my ending so much that I didn't want to "ruin" things for the characters who seemed so happy. 

I also really enjoyed how multifaced the characters are. It irks me in so many things how characters that do bad things are inherently bad people, but here we have Caesar who is both a loving, caring spouse and a manipulative criminal who abuses his power and authority. And these things are not contradictions, just different sides of his character depending on who he is dealing with. 

It is refreshingly realistic in a world that tends towards more straightforward, tropey characters, and I DIG it.

Long story short, I enjoyed it.

2. Who was your favorite character?

Quinn. AI discovering themselves and coming to terms with their own sentience and sapience is apparently something that affects me deeply.

3. Anything that could be improved?

This was amazing! The only thing that could have improved it is more of it!

4. Favorite/least favorite part?

My favorite part was the moment after you wake up after learning you are android. I felt so many things right then, I was sitting there going WAS it a dream? Was it a trick? Is someone trying to make you THINK you are android so you'll do their dirty work? Is it real?

And even though its resolved quickly, making ME feel that uncertainty helped make me really identify with the character who faced those same uncertainties! 

My least favorite part was selecting the memories because the way it is designed basically ensures that since it was my first playthrough I got random ones. I get that this is a device for exploring over multiple playthroughs (or savescumming obviously) but it would have been improved for me if like the memory let you see a still or something from it before you confirmed it was the one you wanted to explore or something. EXTREMELY minor complaint, my least favorite thing about this game is still above my most favorite things in some others!